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Peer Exchanges, Planning for a Better Tomorrow, Transportation Planning Capacity Building

— Peer Exchange Report —

Automated Vehicle Modeling

Title: Automated Vehicle Modeling Peer Exchange
Location: Phoenix, Arizona
Date: June 27, 2019
Host Agency: Maricopa Association of Governments
Peer Agencies: Mid-America Regional Council
North Central Texas Council of Governments
Sacramento Area Council of Governments
San Diego Association of Governments
Federal Agencies: Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)


Automated Vehicle Modeling Peer Exchange - This report highlights noteworthy practices and discussions shared during a one-day peer exchange on Automated Vehicle (AV) modeling, held June 27, 2019, in Phoenix, Arizona, and hosted by the Maricopa Association of Governments. With increasing interest in AVs and the potential impacts they stand to have on the Nation’s transportation network, many transportation agencies, including Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs), are actively exploring ways to address AV modeling considerations in the long-range transportation planning process. The peer exchange brought together five MPOs to discuss their approaches to AV modeling. The peers presented information about their agencies’ AV modeling activities and the context in which they are doing modeling.

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