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TPCB | Transportation Planning Capacity Building


Professionals at all levels need resources that help them gather knowledge, build their skills, and stay “ahead of the curve.” The Transportation Planning Capacity Building (TPCB) Program responds to this need by organizing, facilitating, and documenting events in order to share noteworthy practices among agencies facing an increasingly complex transportation planning environment.

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The TPCB Peer Program is a free resource for agencies in need of transportation planning assistance. The program pays for invitational travel (e.g., airfare, accommodations, per diem, and incidental expenses) for peer travelers associated with on-site peer exchanges, workshops, and roundtables. The TPCB Peer Program also offers virtual options for these meetings as well as webinars to participants free of charge. Interested agencies are encouraged to apply for assistance if they have a clearly identified transportation planning problem to solve and are interested in working with TPCB Program staff to plan and organize an event. Please keep in mind that peer events may require several months to plan.

Each peer event is designed to suit the specific needs of applicant agencies. Dialogue and information sharing among transportation planning agencies is offered in a variety of formats, corresponding to different levels and types of need:

  • Peer Exchange: One-on-one site visits and small-group discussion of specific, shared transportation planning issues that respond to agencies’ direct needs.
  • Peer Workshop: Peer experts train other agencies in the use of specific transportation planning tools and/or techniques during site visits or in conjunction with conferences.
  • Peer Roundtable: Half- or full-day panel or roundtable discussions of innovative transportation practices at conferences by recognized national experts and/or agency representatives who have successfully implemented the practices being highlighted.
  • Webinar: Interactive web-based presentations and information sharing during which participants exchange questions and answers.
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Sharing strengthens transportation planning practices, builds relationships, and reinforces cooperation among transportation agencies. The TPCB Peer Program encourages many different types of agencies to engage in dialogue and share noteworthy practices, including:

  • Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs)
  • Councils of Government (COGs)
  • Regional Planning Organizations (RPOs)
  • Transit Operators
  • State Departments of Transportation (DOTs)
  • Tribal Governments

Funding preference is given to applicants who:

  • Demonstrate the importance of their planning challenges to meeting Federal planning requirements, as well as regional and state-level goals;
  • Demonstrate specifically how they will use the information learned during the peer program event; and
  • Seek support on their topic/event from FHWA Division or FTA Regional office staff.

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Peer Event Spotlight

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Featured Event

Piedmont Triad Scenario
Planning Peer Exchange

Greensboro, North Carolina
May 3–4, 2023
