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TPCB | Transportation Planning Capacity Building



Piedmont Triad Scenario Planning Peer Exchange

Greensboro, North Carolina | May 3-4, 2023

View the Peer Exchange Report

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What was the original challenge that brought you to the TPCB’s Peer Program?

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What was the original challenge that brought you to the TPCB’s Peer Program?

First a little background, our region decided to use CommunityViz to prepare growth allocation estimates which is a key data input for our regional travel demand model. CommunityViz was viewed as a more accurate method to prepare future growth allocation than the more subjective, manual process our region had used in the past. One benefit of CommunityViz is the ability to compare various future growth scenarios by changing growth assumptions. FHWA supports this type of scenario planning especially when combined with Metropolitan Transportation Plan development. Scenario planning was not commonly used by MPOs or planning development in the Piedmont Triad. Two other regions in the state were using CommunityViz and scenario planning and we had learned a great deal from them.

This brings me to the challenge that brought me to TPCB’s Peer Program. I felt our regional partners needed 1) to experience FHWA’s support and commitment to scenario planning, 2) learn as much as possible about scenario planning, and 3) get excited about what lies ahead and the opportunity to enhance our transportation planning process. Since I didn’t consider myself a scenario planning expert, I contacted our regional FHWA representative and she connected me with the TPCB Peer Program.

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What did you learn during the peer exchange?

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What did you learn during the peer exchange?

The two MPOs we heard from presented two very contrasting methods for doing scenario planning, one using CommunityViz and one not. This helped put the focus more on scenario planning and less on CommunityViz. Secondly, the presenters talked at length about the public engagement process they used to develop and evaluate their scenarios. This is something that we had not talked about as a region. Finally, the complexity of their processes was impressive. But they had been using scenario planning for several years. They had modified and improved their approach over many years. This will be our first time. This helped us realize that we did not have to get it perfect the time, that it would improve over time.

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How did the peer exchange help you with your planning challenge?

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How did the peer exchange help you with your planning challenge?

FHWA put together an excellent team of presenters and the Volpe Center did an A++ job organizing the content, speakers, and event logistics. My regional partners thought the event was worth their time. Secondly, the content fits perfectly with our needs, learning all we can about scenario planning in one and half days. The different approaches presented by the two MPOs showed that there is not a cookie cutter approach to scenario planning, that there will be difficult periods, and that remaining flexible and adaptive is a good trait to have.