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2016 Annual AMPO Meeting – Selected Automated Vehicle Presentations
The AMPO Annual Conference brought together MPO staff, Policy Board members, federal and state employees, and consultants who shared information on a variety of MPO issues. The presentations below focus on C/AV technology. |
Oct 2016 |
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AASHTO GIS-T Symposium
The Symposium is an annual conference sponsored by AASHTO for State DOT GIS professionals to learn through workshops, roundtables, and presentations about how their peers are using GIS and spatial data to improve transportation. |
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Access Board
Access Board is an independent Federal agency devoted to developing and maintaining accessibility requirements for the built environment, transit vehicles, telecommunications equipment, and for electronic and information technology, provides a listing of transportation-related accessibility resources. |
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Active Living Research
National program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation which supports and shares research on environmental and policy strategies that can promote daily physical activity for children and families across the United States. |
Jun 2005 |
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Advancing Metropolitan Planning for Operations: The Building Blocks of a Model Transportation Plan Incorporating Operations - A Desk Reference
This Desk Reference is a resource designed to enable transportation planners and their planning partners to build a transportation plan that includes operations objectives, performance measures, and strategies that are relevant to their region, that reflect the community's values and constraints, and that move the region in a direction of improved mobility and safety. |
Apr 2010 |
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America Walks
National coalition of local advocacy groups dedicated to promoting walkable communities. |
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American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA) Autonomous Vehicle Library
AAMVA has established an AV Information Sharing Group to gather, organize, and share information with the AAMVA community related to the development, design, testing, use, and regulation of AVs and other emerging vehicle technology. |
Jan 2019 |
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American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO)
Nonprofit, nonpartisan association representing highway and transportation departments in the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. |
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American Planning Association (APA)
An independent, not-for-profit, educational organization that provides leadership in the development of vital communities by advocating excellence in community planning, promoting education and citizen empowerment, and providing the tools and support necessary to meet the challenges of growth and change. |
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American Public Transportation Association (APTA)
An international organization for the bus, rapid transit and commuter rail systems industry. |
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American Trails
National advocacy organization working for the common interests of all trail users and offers an extensive resource library. |
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AMPO AV Working Group
In 2017, AMPO mobilized a C/AV working group to serve as a focal point for MPOs to engage with U.S. DOT on C/AV programs, policies, and issues. This page contains more information on the working group, in addition to a detailed list of resources and meeting presentations. In April 2019, AMPO held a webinar to share its National Framework for Regional Vehicle Connectivity and Automation Planning |
Apr 2019 |
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AMPO GIS Working Group
This newly formed group is focused on MPO GIS applications. A series of quarterly webinars are planned to facilitate the growth of this community. |
Mar 2019 |
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Association of Metropolitan Planning Organizations (AMPO)
Nonprofit, membership organization that serves the needs and interests of metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) nationwide. |
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Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals
Promotes excellence in the professional discipline of pedestrian and bicycle transportation, including engineering, planning, landscape architecture, safety, and promotion. |
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Bicycle and Pedestrian Funding, Design, and Environmental Review: Addressing Common Misconceptions
The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) has been working to address nonmotorized safety issues nationwide and help communities create safer, better-connected bicycling and walking networks as part of the Department’s Safer People, Safer Streets Initiative. Since launching the Safer People, Safer Streets Initiative in 2014, DOT has engaged safety experts, existing and new stakeholders, local officials, and the public on a range of targeted strategies to encourage safety for bicyclists and pedestrians on and around our streets, including bus stops, transit stations, and other multimodal connections. Through these discussions, a number of common misconceptions have been raised about the use of Federal funding, street design, and the Environmental Review process that can cause confusion and result in project delay. The publication addresses these common misconceptions and distinguishes between Federal standards and State and local practice. Where possible, links identify resources that provide more detail on the topic. This document focuses on three policy areas: Funding, Design, and Environmental Review. |
Aug 2015 |
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Building Links to Improve Safety: How Safety and Transportation Planning Practitioners Work Together
The resource guide shows transportation planners and safety practitioners how to work together to link the transportation planning and safety planning processes to address safety challenges |
Nov 2016 |
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Census Issues
Census population data are used in many transportation planning applications including population forecasting, travel demand modeling and microsimulation, Title VI analysis and land use analysis. The US Census definition of "urbanized areas" is used in the Federal determination of MPOs. Planning (PL) and STP funds are based upon urbanized area populations. The transportation planning community, through AASHTO, contracts for a special tabulation from Census data called the Census Transportation Planning Package (CTPP). The CTPP focuses on the journey-to-work, and other tables helpful for transportation planning (including household size, household income, and vehicle availability). |
Jun 2018 |
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Center for Community Change
The mission of the Center for Community Change is to build the power and capacity of low-income people, especially low-income people of color, to change their communities and public policies for the better. The Center strengthens, connects and mobilizes grassroots groups to enhance their leadership, voice and power. |
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Choosing Visualization for Transportation
Choosing Visualization for Transportation Knowledge Sharing Web Portal, a project funded by the Federal Transit Administration's Public Transportation Participation Pilot (PTPP) program. This web portal is designed to be your one-stop shop for effectively applying visualization tools and techniques in public involvement. |
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CMAP MetroPulse - Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning
The Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) and The Chicago Community Trust partnered in 2007 on an effort to utilize emerging data to track implementation of the region's GOTO 2040 comprehensive regional plan. GOTO 2040 establishes coordinated strategies for the 284 communities that make up the region to address an anticipated population growth of more than 2 million residents by 2040. |
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Community Transportation Association of America (CTAA)
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Computational Workbook
This workbook helps planners organize and calculate financial data for a 20-year financial plan. It consists of five (5) spreadsheets and can be used to calculate and compare inflation-adjusted systemwide revenues and funding against expenditures at the metropolitan area or state level. |
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Connected Vehicle Basics
This user-friendly page answers many of the most common questions about connected vehicles, including benefits, uses, costs, deployment timeline, and privacy. It includes information on the role of the federal government in the development and deployment of CV technology and on international CV activity. |
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Designing Walkable Urban Thoroughfares
Mar 2010 |
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DOT Public Involvement Reference Tool
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has developed this reference tool as a technical resource for transportation professionals and the public. The reference tool is designed to help you find specific public involvement documents, discover and share best practices, and to assist State transportation agencies (STAs) to improve their transparency, efficiency, and accountability. The reference tool encourages more open governmental decisionmaking that facilitates citizen participation and collaboration. |
Mar 2018 |
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DOT State Stats
State Stats is an online pathfinder to transportation publications and reports. It harnesses the Internet by encouraging agencies to post and identify their own key state performance resources. It can help administrators interested in benchmarking, and it can help researchers find unique data. Idaho Transportation Dept Dashboard. |
Nov 2018 |
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Eco-Logical Resource Library
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EPA Public Involvement Website
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Federal Aid Essentials for Local Agencies
A web-based resource to help local agency professionals navigate the Federal-aid Highway Program |
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Federal Highway Administration Tribal Transportation Planning
The FHWA Tribal Transportation Planning Program delivers products and services that provide information, training, and technical assistance to the transportation professionals responsible for planning for the capital, operating, and maintenance needs on tribal lands. On this website, you will find planning news, regulations, policies, training information, technical resources, and contact information. |
Jun 2017 |
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Federal Lands Highway website
The resources section of the Federal Lands Highway website offers a wide variety of technical resources for the FLHP including technical manuals; Plans, Specification, and Estimate (PS&E) Preparation; and portfolio materials. |
Feb 2019 |
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Federal Lands Indian Reservation Roads/Bridges (IRR) Program
The IRR Program addresses transportation needs of tribes by providing funds for planning, designing, construction, and maintenance activities. The program is jointly administered by FHWA's Federal Lands Highway Office and the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) in accordance with an interagency agreement. |
Jul 2019 |
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Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Tribal Transit Program
This webpage provides information about funding and training associated with tribal transit planning and service provision. |
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FHWA Bicycle & Pedestrian Program
Offers both Publications and Resources web links providing insight into the planning and decision process common to building an intermodal transportation system that focuses on accessibility and safety. |
Nov 2018 |
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FHWA Bicycle & Pedestrian Safety Program
Develops projects, programs, and materials for use in reducing pedestrian and bicyclist fatalities. |
Nov 2018 |
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FHWA Congestion Management Process
Jun 2017 |
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FHWA GIS in Transportation Program
This website highlights noteworthy GIS applications and efforts through case study reports, peer exchanges, webinars, and newsletters. |
Sep 2019 |
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FHWA Planning for Operations
Sep 2017 |
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FHWA Policy Guidance Center (Fiscal Constraint and Financial Planning)
Aug 2019 |
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FHWA Public Involvement Reference Tool
Mar 2018 |
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FHWA Public Involvement/Public Participation Website
Mar 2018 |
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FHWA Travel Demand Management
Nov 2018 |
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FHWA/FTA National Census Implementation in Transportation Planning Webinar
On August 1, 2023, the FHWA Office of Planning, Environment, and Realty and FTA Office of Planning and Environment jointly hosted a public ZOOM webinar on the 2020 Census Implementation for Transportation Planning. The webinar provides an overview of current implementation timeline, Census Planning resources and Questions and Answers session. For more information, please contact Harlan Miller. Passcode: 49iA48m# |
Aug 2023 |
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FHWA's Fostering Multimodal Connectivity Newsletter- January 2019
FHWA's Fostering Multimodal Connectivity Newsletter provides transportation professionals with real-world examples of ways that multimodal transportation investments promote economic revitalization, provide access to jobs, and achieve safer communities through support of accelerated project delivery, technology and design innovation, and public/private partnerships. This newsletter communicates FHWA and partner efforts in support of the USDOT Strategic Plan by improving connectivity, accessibility, safety, and convenience for all users. |
Jan 2019 |
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Financial Planning and Fiscal Constraint for Transportation Plans and Programs Questions & Answers
The following "Questions and Answers" are intended to provide non-binding information on financial planning and fiscal constraint as part of transportation plan and program development, in support of the FHWA/FTA Final Rule on statewide and metropolitan transportation planning and programming processes. |
Jun 2017 |
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Freight Analysis Framework
The Freight Analysis Framework (FAF), produced through a partnership between Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) and Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), integrates data from a variety of sources to create a comprehensive picture of freight movement among states and major metropolitan areas by all modes of transportation. Starting with data from the 2012 Commodity Flow Survey (CFS) and international trade data from the Census Bureau, FAF incorporates data from agriculture, extraction, utility, construction, service, and other sectors. |
Mar 2018 |
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Freight Facts and Figures (2017)
The FAF integrates data from a variety of sources to create a comprehensive picture of freight movement among states and major metropolitan areas by all modes of transportation. Starting with data from the Commodity Flow Survey (CFS) and international trade data from the U.S. Census Bureau, FAF incorporates data from all sectors that ship goods. Annual data are available by value, tonnage, and ton-miles for the movement of freight by commodity, origin, destination, and mode. A network assignment that depicts truck flows on the highway network is also produced from the commodity-origin-destination data and available for download. The FAF is produced through a partnership between Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) and the Federal Highway Administration. |
Mar 2018 |
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Freight Information by State
This site provides information on a state's commodity flows, truck fleet characteristics, other aspects of freight transportation, and truck size and weight enforcement activities. Points of contact in state DOTs and links to other valuable Web sites are also provided. |
Oct 2018 |
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Freight Professional Development Program
The FPD Program assists state DOT and MPO staff with gaining the skills and knowledge necessary to meet the challenges arising from the increasing flow of freight on the national transportation system. Meeting this challenge requires an understanding among various stakeholders, including transportation professionals, practitioners, and policymakers about the importance of freight and how it uses and affects the transportation system. |
Oct 2018 |
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Freight Transportation Data Sources
Each day governments, businesses, and consumers make countless decisions about what to ship, which modes to use, where to locate their facilities, and when and where to make investments. Sound data are needed to make these decisions. This page provides links to major sources of national freight transportation data. |
Jul 2019 |
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FTA Bicycles and Transit webpage
Provides general information on planning and eligibility of bicycle facilities to promote access to transit stations by bicycle. |
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FTA Grant Programs
FTA has several major transit assistance programs that make financial awards to authorized recipients in accordance with legislatively set formulas or via competitive application processes. |
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FTA Public Involvement Website
Jun 2017 |
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Hearing: The Cost of Doing Nothing: Why Investing in Our Nation’s Infrastructure Cannot Wait
Feb 2019 |
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Highway Infrastructure Security and Emergency Management (HIS/EM) PCB
HIS/EM PCB was initially established as an FHWA Security PCB Program. Its original objective was to enhance the knowledge and understanding of security among the nation's highway workforce. In 2007, the objective was expanded to also include the need for providing knowledge and understanding about emergency management to the highway workforce. |
Apr 2013 |
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How Connected Vehicles Work
This website describes generally how CV technology works and its potential to improve safety, mobility, and the environment. |
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HUD Public Involvement Website
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Incorporating Safety Into the Planning Process
This presentation provides an overview of TSP for use by transportation professionals. It includes a standard presentation and modules for various audiences – Federal, States, MPOs, RPOs, and local elected officials. Users are welcome to adapt the entire presentation or individual slides as needed. |
Apr 2019 |
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Indian Reservation Roads Program, Transportation Planning Procedures and Guidelines
Jul 2019 |
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Innovations in Pedestrian and Bicycle Counting - Colorado Department of Transportation
The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) sets an example as a state DOT providing pedestrian and bicycle count support to local communities. CDOT has used bicycle and pedestrian count data to help make design decisions and inform policy and budget decisions. Local jurisdictions use the data to support infrastructure funding requests from numerous sources. |
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Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) PCB Program
The ITS PCB Program provides comprehensive, accessible, and flexible ITS learning for the transportation industry. The Program offers a broad range of resources, including training, technical assistance, web seminars, peer exchange and knowledge transfer, education, case studies, and reference materials. It is a cross-cutting support program within the U.S. DOT's Research and Innovative Technology Administration's ITS Joint Program Office, working most closely with FHWA Office of Operations; FTA Office of Research, Demonstration and Innovation; and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration's ITS Commercial Vehicle Operations research program. |
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International Association for Public Participation
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League of American Bicyclists
Promotes bicycling for fun, fitness, and transportation and works through advocacy and education for a bicycle-friendly America. |
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Local and Tribal Technical Assistance Program
The Federal Highway Administration's Local and Tribal Technical Assistance Programs (LTAP/TTAP) clearinghouse acts as a central source of information for LTAP/TTAP centers and other industry stakeholders. |
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Megaregions are large areas that have similar characteristics and are of mutual interest to planners, even though they may cross jurisdictional boundaries. The national transportation system is inherently multijurisdictional. Treating areas that experience similar challenges because of their geographic proximity as megaregions allows planners to develop flexible frameworks to harmonize transportation with quality of life, economic opportunity, and environmental sustainability. |
May 2018 |
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Memo Clarifying Guidance on Flexibilities in Fiscal Constraint
The purpose of this memo is to provide clarifying guidance on the flexibilities in fiscal constraint. |
May 2017 |
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Merrimack Valley Priority Growth Strategy
The "Merrimack Valley Priority Growth Strategy" (PGS), a roadmap for the future of the 270 square mile area, is the first Master Plan to be developed for the region in over 30 years. |
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Mobility on Demand (MOD) Sandbox Program
New mobility concepts and solutions, from bike- and car-sharing systems to demand-responsive bus services, are providing travelers with flexible and convenient transportation options. These developments are impacting the traditional transit market, and could also disrupt current business and funding models. The MOD Sandbox program conducts research on new service options in combination with available technologies that allow for greater individual mobility; projects are funded under FTA’s Research, Development, Demonstration and Deployment program authority. |
May 2019 |
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MoDOT Tracker
MoDOT's Tracker is a tool to assess how well we deliver services and products to our customers. Much like a GPS tracking system, this tool can only show the direction in which the department is headed. We must determine if it is going in the right direction to best serve our customers. Lessons Learned from Maryland SHA. |
Sep 2019 |
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National Association of Development Organizations (NADO)
Provides training, information and representation for regional development organizations in small metropolitan and rural America. |
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National Association of Regional Councils (NARC)
Provides services to its member councils of government (COGs) and MPOs. |
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National Association of Regional Councils (NARC)
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National Center for Bicycling and Walking
Resident program at Project for Public Spaces, Inc. NCBW was establishing in 1977, as the Bicycle Federation of America, Inc. NCBW's mission is to create bicycle-friendly and walkable communities. |
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National Center for Safe Routes to School
Provides technical support and resources concerning the Federal Safe Routes to School Program. |
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National Conference of State Legislatures Autonomous Vehicles/Self-Driving Vehicles Enacted Legislation
This webpage provides an overview of the various actions, including legislation and executive orders, which states and local governments have taken to address autonomous vehicles. The page also includes a legislative database that provides up-to-date, real-time information about state autonomous vehicle legislation that has been introduced in the 50 states and the District of Columbia. |
Sep 2019 |
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National Highway Institute (NHI)
Part of FHWA, NHI provides transportation planning-related training in many formats including both classroom based and distance based learning. |
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National Performance Management Research Data Set (NPMRDS)
Performance measurement is the use of evidence to determine progress toward specific defined organizational objectives. This includes both quantitative evidence (such as the measurement of customer travel times) and qualitative evidence (such as the measurement of customer satisfaction and customer perceptions). Operations performance measurement, therefore, measures progress toward meeting the objectives of transportation system management and operations. Although the specific objectives of management and operations activities vary among organizations, most relate to the overall goals of transportation mobility, productivity, and safety. |
Aug 2019 |
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National Transit Institute (NTI)
Provides training, education, and clearinghouse services in support of public transportation and quality of life in the United States. |
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New FHWA Guidebook: Applying Safety Data and Analysis to Performance-Based Transportation Planning
The Offices of Safety and Planning have jointly released a new guidebook entitled Applying Safety Data and Analysis to Performance–Based Transportation Planning. This guidebook provides State and regional planners with information on how to effectively use safety data and analysis tools in performance-based transportation planning and programming processes. The safety data and analysis results help States DOTs and regional transportation agencies determine safety goals, objectives, measures, and targets. Qualitative and quantitative analyses are essential to understanding safety issues and needs; and to effectively planning and programming projects and strategies. This guidebook will help transportation planners understand the types of safety data they need and how to access them; analysis questions to consider; and opportunities to use the data and analysis to inform planning and programming decisions. Real and hypothetical examples are included throughout the guidebook to demonstrate approaches to addressing each of these topics. |
Nov 2015 |
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NHTSA Automated Vehicles for Safety
More than 30,000 people die on U.S. roads every year and 94% of crashes are due to human error. AV safety technologies signal the next revolution in roadway safety and have the potential to save lives and prevent crashes. This webpage provides resources and policy related to safety and automated vehicles. |
May 2019 |
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Non-Metropolitan Local Officials Consultation
The webpage describes the role of non-metropolitan local officials in the statewide transportation planning process. |
Jun 2017 |
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Pedestrian and Bicycling Information Center
The Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center (PBIC) is a national clearinghouse for information about health and safety, engineering, advocacy, education, enforcement, access, and mobility for pedestrians (including transit users), and bicyclists. The PBIC serves anyone interested in pedestrian and bicycle issues, including planners, engineers, private citizens, advocates, educators, police enforcement, and the health community. |
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Performance Based Planning and Programming
Jun 2019 |
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Planning and Environment Linkages
This website offers a wealth of information developed and compiled by the FHWA and its partners to assist in strengthening planning and environment linkages. |
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Planning and Environment Linkages - Questions and Answers
This webpage provides answers to frequently asked questions regarding the PEL program. |
Nov 2016 |
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PlanWorks is a web resource that supports collaborative decision making in transportation planning and project development. Built around key decision points in long-range planning, programming, corridor planning, and environmental review, PlanWorks suggests when and how to engage cross-disciplinary partners and stakeholder groups to help build consensus throughout planning processes. |
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Public Engagement Case Studies
Case studies and notable practices |
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Regional Models of Cooperation
Jun 2017 |
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Right-of-Way Outreach and Program Research
The Office of Real Estate Services (HEPR) supports the acquisition and management of real estate as required for the development of transportation services and facilities and offers professional training and technical assistance. HEPR also provides resources on corridor management, property valuation, relocation assistance, utility management, and right-of-way management. HEPR also monitors studies to support web-based submission of annual right-of-way statistics, provides for training in the high-turnover sector within local public agencies, and examines the potential for right-of-way education certification. |
Jun 2017 |
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Roadway Safety PCB (RSPCB) Program
The RSPCB Program addresses learning needs within the area of roadway safety. FHWA Office of Safety provides this program to ensure that the transportation workforce is trained in the necessary tools, technologies, methodologies, and policies required in building and operating a safe roadway system. |
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Rural Transportation Tool Box
Part of a partnership between the US Department of Agriculture and the U.S. DOT concerning long-term agricultural transportation, rural passenger and freight mobility challenges. |
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Safety Focused Decision Making Guide
The guide provides a framework defined by five high-level activities with continuous feedback loops for data collection and analysis and project modifications to enhance safety impacts |
Apr 2019 |
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An American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Standing Committee on Planning website that identifies and shares resources and best practices on statewide transportation planning practice. |
Aug 2019 |
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The Association for Commuter Transportation
An international trade association that supports individual mobility management professionals and organizations in their efforts to reduce traffic congestion, conserve energy, and improve air quality. Commonly referred to as transportation demand management, our industry provides services that are key to combating global warming and oil dependency while maintaining mobility options that can be sustained indefinitely. |
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The TMIP Transportation Modeling and Analysis Toolbox
This Toolbox is comprised of reports and webinars containing a variety of helpful and important information pertaining to transportation modeling and analysis. The Toolbox is dynamic and designed to be expandable. It is modeled in many ways on FHWA's popular Traffic Analysis Tools program, which has been a valuable reference resource supporting traffic operational analysis. The Traffic Analysis Tools is currently comprised of a dozen volumes containing a variety of helpful and important information pertaining to operational analysis and the tools to support it. The Transportation Modeling and Analysis Toolbox aims to provide a similar resource for analysis to support regional transportation planning. |
Jun 2018 |
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Transit-Orientated Development (TOD)
FTA’s Pilot Program for TOD Planning helps support FTA’s mission of improving public transportation for America’s communities by providing funding to local communities to integrate land use and transportation planning with a new fixed guideway or core capacity transit capital investment. |
Dec 2018 |
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Transportation Curriculum Coordination Council (TCCC)
The TCCC is a partnership between FHWA, state DOTs, and the highway transportation industry to support training of highway construction and maintenance personnel. Rebuilding the highway construction task force is an industry priority as agencies across the country face a serious shortage of trained and experienced personnel resulting from attrition and an aging workforce. The TCCC's mission is to provide leadership at a national level, develop and maintain a national curriculum for various transportation disciplines, identify training and certification requirements, and coordinate/facilitate training efforts. |
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Transportation Planning Process Resource Guide
Jan 2018 |
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Transportation Planning Requirements and their Relationship to NEPA Process Completion
This summary is intended to clarify the statutory and regulatory planning and conformity requirements that must be met with regard to the STIP/TIP, the MTP and the Statewide Long Range Transportation Plan prior to FHWA signing a Record of Decision (ROD) or Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI), or approving a Categorical Exclusion (CE) for a project. |
Sep 2017 |
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Transportation Research Board Pedestrian Committee
Concerned with research on pedestrians and pedestrian facilities that will provide safe, comfortable, and efficient walking environments along sidewalks, along and across roadways, and connecting to other modes of transportation. |
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Transportation Research Board (TRB)
Promotes innovation and progress in transportation through research. |
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Transportation Research Board Bicycle Transportation Committee
Concerned with all aspects of bicycling and bicyclists, and criteria for bicycle facilities to assure that the bicycle rider has safe, convenient and efficient travel. |
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Transportation Research Board's (TRB) Native American Transportation Issues (ABE80)
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Travel Model Improvement Program (TMIP)
TMIP advances the state of the practice of travel modeling and provides services to support planning agencies improve the techniques they use to inform their decision makers on how growth in population and employment, development patterns, and investments in transportation infrastructure are likely to affect travel, congestion, air quality, and quality of life. TMIP is cooperatively funded by FHWA, FTA, the Office of the Secretary of Transportation (OST), and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). |
Sep 2019 |
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TRB Committee on Performance Measurement (ABC30)
The TRB committee supports the development and use of performance measurement and performance management across all modes of transportation, public and private, including passenger and freight transportation systems |
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TRB Committee on Public Involvement
The Transportation Research Board (TRB) is looking for examples of great public involvement practices. Have you been involved in a project that demonstrated new technologies? Do you have lessons you'd like to share with others? The annual meeting in January 2017 represents all transportation modes, with more than 5,000 presentations in nearly 750 sessions and workshops addressing topics of interest to all attendees |
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TRB Straight to Recording for All: Breaking Down Barriers – Funding and Finance Issues and Innovations in Public Transportation
TRB recorded presentations in February 2016 that examine new approaches to funding and financing transit projects, including issues confronting sponsors of public transportation projects and programs, and how transit agencies have addressed these issues. Topics include the use of passenger revenue-based Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (TIFIA) loans for transit capital projects, a review of how transit project sponsors are partnering with the private sector, and case studies of the funding and finance tools project sponsors are using. The videos are available on-demand at no cost. |
Feb 2016 |
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TRB's Regional Transportation Systems Management and Operations (AHB10)
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TRB's Statewide Transportation and Data and Information Systems
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TRB's Urban Transportation Data and Information Systems (ABJ30)
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Tribal Transportation Planning Financial Assistance
The Federal Highway Administration's Office of Planning offers free technical assistance on policy, program, and technical issues to State, local and tribal transportation agencies. |
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Tribal Transportation Planning Module Training Series
The Tribal Transportation Planning Module Training Series provides modules for eight planning topics, designed to assist transportation professionals responsible for planning for the capital, operating, and maintenance needs on Tribal lands. |
May 2017 |
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U.S. DOT Automated Vehicle (AV) Research Activities: Current and Completed Projects
This site summarizes current and completed research and other activities within the U.S. DOT focused on AV technology development and evaluation, policy assessment, and impacts estimation. |
Oct 2018 |
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U.S. DOT Resources for Tribes and Tribal Governments
Jun 2019 |
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Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Resources
This page lists a range of resources that help planners, transportation engineers, decision-makers, and others involved in the ITS deployment process with valuable information about V2I technologies. |
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Visualization can provide the public and decision makers a clear idea of the proposed policies, plans and Transportation Improvement Programs and the impacts to the human and natural environment. Visuals can make information instantly or intuitively understandable. The new technology has made it possible to communicate what the proposals may look like when implemented. |
Jun 2017 |
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Visualization in Planning
Provides information on noteworthy practices and innovative uses of visualization for transportation planning. |
Jun 2017 |
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Website that rates the walkability of neighborhoods. |
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What Public Officials Need to Know About Connected Vehicles
This website contains a high-level, non-technical overview of CV technology. It covers the basics of how CV technology works and how it can impact communities by improving safety, decreasing congestion, and reducing pollution. |
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